Help Your Business Thrive

Intellectual Property Lawyer - Queens, NY

We know that your intellectual property (IP) is one of your most valuable assets. Whether it's innovative products, unique services, proprietary knowledge or creative content – it’s critical to safeguard these assets from infringement or unauthorized use. At Suri Law, we provide full-suite IP services to help protect and maximize the value of this crucial business asset.

Learn more about how we can help you by calling (212) 444-8244 or contacting us online!

Our Queens Intellectual Property Services

  • Trademark Registration: We assist you with the complete process of trademark registration including search and application filing.
  • Copyright Protection: Protect your original works of authorship such as music, literature and art with our copyright services.
  • Patent Filing: Secure exclusive rights over your inventions with our robust patent filing support.
  • Trade Secret Protection: Safeguard confidential business information that gives you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

A Proven Track Record In IP Protection

You can trust Suri Law for guidance based on years of experience working with businesses across various industries in Queens and beyond. Our proven track record demonstrates our commitment to helping businesses protect their intellectual property rights effectively and efficiently.

Why Choose Suri Law For Your IP Needs?

At Suri Law, we deliver personalized service, clear communication, and transparent pricing. We understand that each business is unique, and we tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to help you navigate the complex world of intellectual property law with ease and confidence.

Contact Our Queens Intellectual Property Lawyer

If you're ready to take the next step in protecting your intellectual property rights, contact us today for a consultation. Let Suri Law be your trusted partner in safeguarding your business's most valuable assets.

Need help with business matters? Contact Suri Law for an initial consultation with our Queens business lawyer by phone at (212) 444-8244

What Sets Us Apart

  • Prioritizing Relationships
    We know the value of investing in relationships. Our goal is establishing relationships with businesses and promoting socio-economic mobility for business owners from marginalized communities.
  • Dedicated to Our Clients

    We prioritize helping businesses, especially minority-owned businesses, grow and flourish.

  • Reasonable Pricing

    Our focus will always be offering high-quality services at reasonable prices.